
Day 1
February 27, 2024
8:00 am

Arrival / Registration

9:00 am
Opening speech

"The Future of the Workplace and AI disruption" – Peter Cheese

9:30 am
Panel Discussion 1

"The Future of Work in the Kingdom: Leveraging from Global HR Tech Trends"

This panel discussion is dedicated to exploring the dynamic intersection of global human resources trends and the Kingdom's ambitious Vision 2030 objectives. It's tailored for senior people professionals who are steering the course of workforce development in the region.

Key Focus Areas:

  • Vision 2030 Alignment
  • Global HR Trends
  • Cultural Adaptation and Change Management
  • Skill Development and L&D
  • Talent Acquisition and Retention

The panel will bring together leading HR practitioners and thought leaders from within the Kingdom and beyond, offering a rich exchange of insights and best practices. The session is essential for HR and L&D professionals looking to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of human resources in KSA, aligning with both global trends and local aspirations.

10:15 am

Coffee Break

10:45 am

"Developing a Future-Ready Workforce: Professionalising the People Profession"

11:15 am
Panel Discussion 2

"Systems Thinking in Organisational Design: Challenge and Triumph in the Kingdom’s Digital Transformation"

This panel is a deep dive into the application of systems thinking in organizational design, particularly in the context of digital transformation. It's an essential discussion for professionals involved in managing or guiding organizations through the complexities of digital change.

Key Focus Areas:

  • Challenges and Opportunities of Digital Transformation in the KSA
  • Role of Leadership in Guiding Digital Transformation
  • Balancing Agility and Stability in Organizational Structures
  • Employee Engagement and Change Management
  • Measuring the Impact of Digital Transformation

The panel aims to provide actionable insights and strategies for successfully navigating digital transformation, leveraging systems thinking to create adaptive, resilient, and efficient organizational structures. This session will be highly beneficial for leaders, managers, and professionals involved in organizational design and transformation initiatives.

12:00 pm

Lunch Sponsored by LEORON Institute

1:00 pm
Case Study

"Nurturing Local Talent: Effective Talent Acquisition Strategies"

1:45 pm

"Leadership in HR: Navigating Change and Aligning with Saudi Vision 2030"

2:15 am

HR Tech Startup Presentation in Partnership with Riyadh Angel Investors Group

2:45 pm

Coffee Break

3:15 pm
Case Study

"Promoting Employee Wellbeing and Inclusivity in the Saudi Work Environment"

4:00 pm

Special Recognition for Exceptional Contribution to the HR Industry

4:15 pm

"Leveraging AI and Automation for HR Transformation"

4:45 pm

Closing Ceremony and Networking Reception

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